The day of the lobster

Goodbye Eigg - a reasonably early start for once. Blue skies from horizon to horizon, and a wind pointing right at Ardnamurchan - the goosewinging had to be done. Round the point we got onto a reach and were hit with some impressive katabatic blasts, before the wind dropped away. Into Tobermory, home from home, and a stroll along to the Mish for a beer. And good Lord, there was football being shown. I ordered a pint. Denmark went one up. I received my pint and turned round - Denmark scored again.
But we weren’t staying - we were off to occupy a much coveted table at Cafe Fish. And at long last, after it was unavailable on Jura and Canna, your scribe and traveller was served up with lobster. Well, just a half. Wouldn’t want to be a glutton.

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