Snowdrops ..........

.......... ermm .... that about says it all, really.

I could say the snow is now dropping from the sky to link the photo subject to the weather but I don't think I'll bother. Bright earlier, big flakes now.

I was going to include the following info yesterday but decided that 90% of you would have glazed over by the time you read to the bottom.

I subscribe to a photo magazine and they have a FREE camera-school tutorial starting in May (magazine will published mid-April) - I have signed up and thought it might be of interest to those, like me, who are less adept with our cameras and image taking ..... here is the website - you do have to buy the magazine as well but all the details are there .... Camera-School - don't worry that it says Nikon at the top I think it's just an advert - it is worldwide and not just UK but getting the magazine in time may be a bit of an problem if you live overeas - take a look at the FAQs.

Hope you find it interesting and, as we should really say these days, other magazines and camera tutorials are available elsewhere.

Thank you for your comments, stars and hearts yesterday - sorry it was such a long write-up but am pleased some of you found it interesting (thank heavens for copy & paste with edit options!!)

NIKON D5200 : f/7.1 : 1/160" : 300mm : ISO 250

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