Leptospermum flavescens

This Australian native shrub of the myrtaceae family puts on a wonderful show in August. Here we are in early September and I know this will be my last FF chance this year for this wonderful plant which has been living in our front garden for many years. Passers by stop and stare when it's in flower.

Today was very windy so photographing it was a challenge. This weekend it will rain so its season, all but over, will be hastened. The main shows its beautiful weeping habit, while the extra attempts to capture its abundance.

Thank you for all your wonderful responses to yesterday's kookaburra. I was out snapping some things for abstract Thursday when my camera gave the message my card was full so I stopped and sat, transferred the day's photos to my phone and cleared the card. Then I set off and saw the kookaburra. It posed so nicely, I couldn't let the chance go by.

Thanks for hosting BikerBear. Have a good weekend and stay well.

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