
Woke early as I had a review to write and send off, so relieved when I got that done plus a few other jobs that were hanging over me.
Once that was all wrapped up I could start my day off properly, and went over to V’s with her presents and saw her other cards and presents and got an update on her garden. We headed over to Haddington and parked near the Waterside pub, booked a table for lunch then set off for our walk along the river. Obviously talked non-stop the whole way….haven’t had a proper catch up since she left and there was a lot to be said and discussed!
Had a delicious lunch of a shared seafood hors d’oeuvres and then a huge fish and chips…no room for pud!
I dropped her off for birthday cake with her granddaughters and went home. Felt very tired (I’d got to sleep very late last night, or rather this morning) so had a nap…bit of a luxury!
Quiet evening. Need to gird myself up to get a lot done this weekend….possibly my last one quietly at home by myself for a long time and I have a lot of clearing out to do to make space for A.

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