Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

A mystery solved

Well, looks like I'm keeping the Very Pink Boots. I had them on this morning, flapping about in the flat, and I accidentally went outside with some rubbish. Duh!

I say flapping about, as they are a bit wide for my feet, and I was trying to think what it make me look like/feel like... and then I realised! Yes, they remind me of the penguins. I just hope they don't have the same effect on onlookers - after all, I laughed and pointed at their huge comical pink feet...

Busying myself, in between surfing the net, downloading some new exciting software, checking out YouTube, doing emails, etc etc, and clearing up. I must say, house swapping does make one have a big tidy up every now and again. I have finally thrown out three huge empty boxes that I had been saving for my studio (I draped my black cloth over them). I realised I didn't need them, a wee stepladder will do the same job.

People often ask, 'Does anything go wrong when people you don't know are in your house?' ie do they steal something, or break something... I have always said no, but there has been an incident at the back of my mind that has been irritating us for several years.

A few years ago, we suddenly noticed that a big bottle of Grand Marnier was half finished. We hadn't looked at it for months and months - possibly a year, (it's not something we regularly imbibe) and finally figured out who it was, as he had some friends visit him when he was here. We blamed him for years.

Well, today we found the original, untouched, big bottle of Grand Marnier in the original place. And the half full bottle in another place... The penny dropped!! Someone (probably the chap we were thinking of in the first place) had actually donated a half bottle!! We had a laugh. I am sorry M. I have been thinking bad thoughts about you for years. I was wrong.

Anyway. No time to pop out for a blip. Though plenty of time to fiddle around, of course. The beautiful tulips that we have so enjoyed are on their last legs stems, and will be chucked out today. But there are some new ones in their place for the visitors. Life goes on. But I couldn't resist one more blip. They look gorgeous, even when they are drying out.

Trying to decide what jacket to take for Barcelona. 16 degrees? That's a Scottish summer! But I will need my hat.

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