After rain

A day when little went to plan :-)

Richard dropped Diana at the station for her train to Penzance. I set off for my pre-booked late morning swim at Hathersage outdoor pool, near Sheffield.

Then Jack rang as I was driving across the heathery moors ... Nursery had phoned to say that Frieda was coughing & had to be picked up. (I have a hands-free phone set up in the car, I hasten to add). Marianna is working in London today & he was in mid-Zoom work session. So I turned round and popped back for her.

No swim... but once Jack had had time to reorganise the afternoon's work, shunting it into next week, we spent a companionable hour together. Frieda pottered in the garden, we chatted. By then F was looking ready for a nap and I left.

Then I was due to pick Eben up from school at 3.20. However, Luca is off nursery for the some reason as Frieda, with Josh in charge. Josh rang & offered to collect Eben, since he was at home anyway. I gratefully went home and enjoyed an unexpected nap...

We will be looking after Frieda tomorrow, from after breakfast till bedtime. So an extra rest was really welcome.

F and L both need negative PCR tests before they can go back to nursery next week. There are no signs of Covid symptoms, fortunately. I'm glad it won't be my job to keep them sitting still for the swab collection.......

It all reminded me of the stresses for working parents, when minor illnesses strike. So it's been good to be able to help a little.

And - we have had a little rain, very welcome in the dry garden.

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