
By jac1954

Wisley flower show week

My dear friend Ron asked me to go to Wisley with him on a coach trip 
Oooooo! yes I said I have always wanted to go there.
so off we went left Clacton on sea at 8.30 am
Rons favorites are Dahlias he used to grow them years ago they had a big Marquee full of every type you could  you could think of.
we ate our lunch on the coach but after about an hour we thought we would have a cup of tea and some cake, so settled Ron down in the shade  and I went into the food hall for tea and cakes. well Ron's was easy nice big piece of carrot cake and tea then mine Hmmmm! do you have any gluten free cakes   erm! no but we do have A Biscuit that's gluten free ok then and as I can't have tea I asked if I could have Hot water with milk yes she said so that was good. and they did not charge for my drink bonus !!
we did not get round the whole of Wisley and all the marquee's all the plant stalls and yes I did get some plant's as well Ron treated me to them he is so nice and good company we laughed through most of the day together~~~~~~~~~we got home around 8.30 pm tired but happy 
Extras of our day

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