
I didn't promise to walk all the way to the view over Muckle Flugga, because we have seen it before, I just said I'd walk partway. Maybe.

In the event the path direct from the visitor centre was closed and an excellent boardwalk takes everyone to the West side, with a view of the stacks, covered in guano from the nesting gannets. Even the sheep admire the scene.

Looking above the sheep's head, beyond the rising ground, the top of the Muckle Flugga lighthouse is just visible. We began the walk along the coast towards it but decided it was an unnecessary use of time so we returned to the car and drove to Lund.

In the C12 St. Olaf's chapel there is an outline, taken to be of a fish, carved on the underside of a lintel (see extra) probably re-used from elsewhere, also several mediaeval gravestones of the C9-12.

This area is rich in historical features; close to the access road to Lund is a standing stone, 12 feet high, said to be the largest in Shetland; further along are remains of a second Viking Longhouse next to a broch, which is surrounded by two deep defensive ditches.

Before leaving we drove further to see where we stayed on our first visit, 11 years ago - knowing we would never go back.

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