
By Marionb

Look Who Stole the Show...

I seem to have this thing about frogs these days - they just keep popping up where I least expect them! 

Today was an off-island day. My brother and I had a family funeral to go to outside of town, but as he had some errands to do first, I had some time to fill.  I went up to Tower Hill which has a fire tower people can climb for the view, a small museum and some gardens including a pond of koi and waterlilies. One of my favourite childhood photos of my sister and me was taken in front of that very pond, so I wanted to check it out and see if it was as I remembered it...It wasn't quite as lovely as I had hoped, but it did have two beautiful pink water lilies in bloom so, of course, I had to take some photos..for old time's sake.

Tonight, as I was going through this morning's photos of the sunrise, to upload the blip I had planned, I decided to download the lily-in-the-pond pictures as well. The lilies were indeed beautiful..but as they were taken from far away, they needed a lot of cropping. I started with the first one and "What the..? " What is that little green thing peeking out from under one of the lily pads?'s a frog! I hadn't even noticed him.. he just blended in I guess..I then cropped the other lily photo and, believe it or not, there was another one peering over its lily pad too! I had missed him as well!  Both had been hidden, lurking in all that green...Kermit may think "it isn't easy being green", but it sure does help with the camouflage thing! 

So, forget the sunrise shots; forget the waterlilies..the show was stolen by those little frogs.. so, for today's blip, I picked my favourite "frog-with-pink-waterlily-in the-background".

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