Feeding Dee (and Friend)

We went to see Dee this afternoon. We spent most of the weekend working on the floor in the bedroom, but we had finished by half past three. So there was enough time to visit Dee. Dee looks very healthy but she needed more food. It was obvious that she did not need all the food, because she was able to share the food with her friend Goliath.

Aethon ni i weld Dee y prynhawn 'ma. Treulion ni'r rhan fwyaf o'r penwythnos yn gweithio ar y llawr yn yr ystafell wely, ond ro'n ni wedi gorffen erbyn hanner awr wedi tri. Felly, roedd digon o amser gyda ni i ymweld â Dee. Mae Dee yn edrych yn iachus iawn ond mae hi angen mwy o fwyd. Roedd yn amlwg bod hi ddim angen y bwyd i gyd, achos roedd hi'n gallu rhannu'r bwyd gyda'i ffrind Goliath.

History - Garden in the Snow - 2010-01-13

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