
By Paladian


We have in our back yard a fairly unremarkable plant, a species of bromeliad Aechmea gamosepala. The only time it comes into its own is at this time of year when it throws up some remarkably beautiful pink and blue flower spikes.

it's only just started to flower, and along the length of the stem there are tiny, tiny tubular flowers, which must be full of pollen and/or nectar judging by the antics of a couple of bees I saw at lunch time. They were desperately trying to push their heads into the tubes which simply aren't built to take bees' heads.

And in the meantime they were beside themselves with fury because they were so frustrated. Bouncing up and down in the air, and flying from one flower tube to another literally banging their heads into the ends of the flower buds, and poking their tongues out as long as they could make them in an effort to reach the goodies inside.

Plus we have another brightly pink and blue image to cheer up our northern neighbours.

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