Sieze the day

By Mario

Power to the people

Power to the people is what Blip is, its a chance for the wee man and woman to share something in their day. I think we have become ambassadors of where we live, look at what we take photos of.Well here it is No 365 not one day missed a couple of times I have come close to missing the midnight cut off and sometimes I have been early by 22 hours. Rainie thank you so much for taking time out at the Physio centre to show me what Blipfoto is,I went home humed and hahed and then looked up Blip on the net, at 10:30pm that night I went out and made a photo of a spider on my verandah and that become my first Blip. Thank you to everyone who has subscribed to my journal please don't think I have forgotten you, I haven't I just don't have enough time to respond and comment all the time like I would like to,be rest assured I do pop in. Highlights have been meeting subscribers in person, The Rosewarnes and Rower and Paladian. Having a blipmeet is so exciting.Your comments are honest and having an image Favourited or given stars is a wonderful appreciation,to be told in a comment that you inspire someone is humbling and a true honour. Blipfoto allowed me to enjoy my photography and step out of Automatic mode into manual,Blip also helped me build up a stock of images that I could enter in our club competition and through blip and your comments I gained Most Improved Photographer of the Year. Thank you all for subscribing,favouriting, stars and comments. You are not a nondeplume behind a computer screen commenting on an image you are a friend and one day we will meet. Thank you so much.Thank you for being a friend.This is for you form me.

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