New beginnings

This spiral symbol can mean new beginnings in some cultures.

Today I had a new beginning where I had to take an oath. I chose to attest rather than use a holy book. I did it on my own. We were told we could invite family and friends to watch the ceremony online but I decided I wanted to just experience it myself, on my own. I was nervous but felt welcomed by new colleagues.

I had a day of training today and will have another day tomorrow. I’ve had to take leave from my regular job so I can do the training. It’s a steep learning curve from an admin point of view but I’m ready for the challenge. Life is too short not to take a chance and see which road it may take you down.

I’ve been described as risk averse but when I do decide to do something very new and unexpected it pretty much always ends better than I could have ever expected. To new experiences. . .

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