
By Bowen

Road Trip

So this is the weekend we are going to Oklahoma to finally put my dad to rest.  He passed 8/20/2020 due to complications of diabetes, renal failure is what the death certificate said.  Last year wasn't normal by any stretch of the imagination.  We found a time all of us could go and put in our vacation bids.  I drove my sister, her husband and my mom down.  I swear we stopped every two hours so someone could pee.  We did actually stop and eat lunch (something dad never did as we came down here as kids) and mom had a place she wanted to stop and get wine (wine in Kansas, who knew!).  The final actual stop for he day was in the little town of Lindsborg Kansas.  It is also known as Little Sweden and all through the town they have the little Dala horses.  They have the traditional one outside the visitor center but most of the rest are painted in all sorts of different ways.  This one was my favorite, all blue with coffee cups!  It was good to get out and stretch our legs for even a little bit.   

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