
Got this last year it's doing well again this year.

Busy day, lots of walking, took car up to my sons garage for the back light to be mended walked back home, we had taken Molly with us and walked her back. Now Molly loves to spend time in the car after her morning walk sleeping and usually stands and barks at us until we let her in the car. So when we got home she started her barking but of course there was no car I took her out onto the drive and said  I cant let you in the car it's not there  she just stood looking at me as if to say well go get it back, then went in the house very disgruntled. 
Then just after lunch he rang to say it was ready so we decided to walk back up to the garage to collect it, we took her with us again and the daft dog wouldn't get in it, well it wasn't on our drive was it.
Then we called in the coop for a few bits.

When we got back Kirsty called to say she was coming to show us her new car. Its a smokey grey Vauxhall Astra, it's very nice she is thrilled to bits with it. Her dad took her to get it yesterday after she had passed her test, it's not brand new but its in lovely condition, being a mechanic he will have made sure it was ok. 

Its been a breezy day again but not cold and no rain.

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