I'm not sure what's happened to the day - read the papers, washed the conservatory floor, did a bit of well worked and went for a yomp around the circuit minor. The Japanese anemones caught my eye, such a mass of them.
We watched The Green Knight last night, loosely based on the story of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. There was a bit of harrumphing from me for there was much meandering from the original story especially the ending which is what it's all about, Its such a powerful and complex story in its own right why try and better it?  Himself was right when he said they had tried too hard - too many references and ideas from all over the place - Henry V via Alice in Wonderland.  St Winifred and a holy well did pop up and that was perfectly appropriate! And there was a talking fox which wasn't - even Fineen couldn't talk! The crowns were good though.

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