The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

CleanSteve at rest

A walk had been planned today, for our friend Mary's birthday. We were supposed to meet in deepest Wiltshire, to walk, picnic and eventually tumble into a pub. It never happened: the picnic took place indoors in their house in Bristol instead. Mary is an inveterate swimmer, and she and some of her guests had got up and gone swimming early in the morning, and then for a bracing walk around the docks.

Not so us! We merely drove to the supermarket, then down the road to Bristol, where we spent the afternoon eating and laughing. Most of the tales were from a time I do not remember, because I am younger, but a good story is a good story...

I took some pics at the table of Mary, her husband Pip and daughter Bea. One of them is ok, but Mary hates having her pic taken or bandied about, so I'm publishing this one of CleanSteve looking relaxed. He doesn't feature in my pictures a lot, but then again I don't usually take portraits.

When we returned the house was colder than I ever remember it being, and I had a killer headache and went to bed, never to rise again. Hence, this is Sunday's blip, posted on Monday.

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