
By mcgoobs


That's right, my third day on the trot of black and white portraiture! I didn't really want it to be this way, but unfortunately this was one of the only semi-decent pictures I took today and I will admit I have been struggling a bit with the grey and miserable lighting! Switched to shutter priority rather than aperture priority in the end and got much better results, but forgot to put the iso back down to a reasonable level and so they were very grainy! If anyone has any tips for shooting in cloudy conditions please give me advice - I need to start learning!

Anyway, it's been lovely to be back at home and popped over to Dad's this morning for a coffee and a quick catch up and took this photo. I was attempting to get a decent photo of my dad's dog Clyde, but unfortunately all his portraits were blurry or grainy and I didn't like them! Spent the rest of the day at home struggling through an essay on capitalism and ecology and applied for a waitressing job in Zakynthos for the summer :)

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