
By Ingleman

Another Fine Mesh

A day of contrasts. Up early to take another delivery of building materials, comprising four tons of ballast, three tons of building sand, and two large sheets of reinforcing steel. This is vicious and unpleasant stuff to work with. Don't do it!
The driver kindly offered to help me carry it through to the garden and I was grateful for the help. It gave me a chance to show off my scars from the encounter at the weekend. Quite proud of it actually, but golly, it don't half itch!!

A full day gardening for Richard, strimming nettles, weeding, and my favourite-cleaning out gutters. Yes it's that time of year again when we turn over a new leaf - or several million. Still, it keeps me off the streets!

Very windy today, my face is all tingly, but it feels good to be alive. I like it.

Hope no one got stabbed today queueing for petrol. Not worth it. 

Till next time, turrah a bit... 

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