
This is the caravan sales company just up the road in Alby. Last night I spent a bit of time on the Internet looking at their second hand stock, as we want to get a smaller caravan. All year they have had nothing that wasn't already sold or too expensive. However, now they seem to have a few in. Not as cheap as they could be for the age, but the price of second hand caravans has shot up in lockdown. I think a few people have upgraded which is why there are a few available. We had a browse this afternoon. The shop was closed but we were able to look in the windows, and even though the cheaper ones were not much newer than our existing van, they were all in much better condition. Plus they all have motor movers so that makes it easy to move them.

Anyway, no decisions, just window shopping.

Went for a short trial ride on my new bike with Jon. It was the perfect sitting position. It felt natural, and I didn't need to lean forward. I now realise how uncomfortable my old bikes have been. Looking forward to happy cycling!

We spent the afternoon gardening. Two trips to the allotment with the trailer full of wood and garden pruning to burn. Then we cut both lawns, and cut our hedge back hard. The hedge is so huge we have gained a meter of extra space to store our trailers on, now it is cut back. More tidying still to do, but it was a good start. We need to burn what has been cut back before we can cut any more.

Had a nice hot bath and listened to a meditation podcast. I'm exploring this method of relaxation and will try a few different sites.

Tv now.

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