
By PhotosByNiamh_

Booked up

The last couple months I've been absolutely loving delving into a good book, so I decided to make a mini bookcase. I've read a good few books the last month or two, so I'll list  a few of them incase you also fancy a read of a new book.

'Among the Mosques' By Ed Husain 
This book was incredibly interesting to read from the point of view of a non-devoted Christian. It delved into the varied beliefs of Muslims around the country, which were surprisingly different wherever you are. I think it's worth a read whether you're into religion or not. It has certainly given me a lot more knowledge i wish i knew before. Ed is also an incredible writer - he grabbed me on the first page. 

'In My Hands' by Irene Gut + Jennifer Armstrong
I've been reading a lot of books based on Holocaust survivors over the last year or so. In My Hands and 'The Tattooist of Auschwitz' by Heather Morris have been my top two picks. They delve into the reality of the survivors of the Holocaust, and how deeply the realities have affected them. Both books are truly sickening to read about how the Nazi's treated them, and each author writes about the astrocities very well. (Each book you read will definitely cause tears at some point). 

'Into the darkest corner' By Elizabeth Hayes
I was given this book for my birthday, which I'm very thankful for as i would ever have willingly picked up this book based on the blurb. If you're into Thrillers this is certainly the book for you. Elizabeth is an incredible writer, I particularly loved her writing style in this book. All throughout the novel she kept me sitting at the edge of my chair eager to see what happens next. Although I must admit I am not the biggest fan of Thrillers, this was amazing and I recommend reading it. 

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