Frosty welcome

They didn't actually have snow on their boots* but these two cheerful Eastern(ish) Europeans (one from Lithuania, one from Russia) delivered a new fridge today. (And very efficient they were - well done Appliances Online)

Usually our kitchen equipment is second-hand or reconditioned but environmental considerations dictated that we purchase an up-to-date low-energy model so for once it's a pristine item - and look Fred, no magnets (yet.)

Seems ironic when we're shivering in the coldest March for umpteen years, doesn't it?

*Useless information dept.
During WW1 rumours emerged from various parts of the country that contingents of Russian soldiers had been drafted in to support the British forces. Sightings were 'verified' by the fact that the soldiers were always reported to have snow on their boots.

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