A Monkey's Tale

By MonkeyWithAView

Birds of A Feather Flock Together

Tonight's blip is a tale of how the common house Monkey & his knitted kind can unite against the dark forces of the 'big bad ape'.

NB: the 'big bad ape' in this instance is represented here by the fast approaching & extremely unforgiving tax year end, & also the fiendishly useless global dominator, which I will call, possibly for legal reasons but more so for fun, Lesco.

Act I

With this tax year drawing ever closer & the next soon to break over the horizon, the Office is a hive of activity with all the workers buzzing around frantically attempting to process every little comb that we are given. I took advantage of some overtime today & it takes it out of you, but I'm just thinking of the honeypot at the end of it all.

Act II

I took on the might of the conglomerate this evening. We have Internet, as avid blippers will already know, but we were promised some goodwill to compensate us for the delays & broken promises that were so kindly forwarded to us. To cut an hour conversation short, I managed to get 1 month's line rental free & a £20 gift voucher - I was gunning for about triple that, but still, not too bad.


The fight continues..

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