I saw this a couple of weeks ago, when we were going to see our grandson and I knew that one day, I would be back to take a photograph and use it as my Blip.  Today was the day and as the theme for Wide Wednesday is “Geometric/Architectural” I thought it fitted very well.

Interestingly, we were on our way to have our booster and flu jabs - one in each arm - and although Mr. HCB had decided to go one way, I persuaded him to go a different way, forgetting that this was on the road we would go down, but I’m glad he changed his mind, so that I could share this with you, and of course, there is pink in the shot for Pinktober!

This symbol is apparently, something between “I love you” and “Thank you” - and today it is a HUGE “Thank you” to a special Blipper who sent me a lovely gift this week - you know who you are!  I/We have been so blessed this week, meeting one Blip friend and her husband and enjoying time with them, then the next morning, the gift arrived from another Blip friend.  What an incredible group of people Blippers are!  

It also represents a “Thank you” to all who click on this LINK each day, so that those who cannot afford to pay for a mammogram may have a free one - you are ALL amazing and although many of those who are recipients of a free mammogram will never know who you are, I am saying “Thank you” on their behalf.  

Both Mr. HCB and I have heavy arms and I have another headache, but hopefully we will feel better tomorrow.  As we told the two lovely people who gave us our jabs, we are very grateful for our NHS and all that is done for us by many selfless individuals, from those who marshal us and point us in the right direction to the ones who input all the information onto the computers and those who administer the vaccinations.  

“I learned to squeeze 
     the juice out of life 
          every single day.”
Lauren Chiarello

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