Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

Dried peas

I can't believe the Met Office and BBC Weather have got the forecast quite so wrong for a whole week!!  You'd think by now they might have caught up, or just looked out of the window for goodness sake.  Yes, we had wonderful warm blue skies with a few fluffy clouds, it was beautiful.

With a lot of thinking to do and decisions to make I thought I'd go back to the butterfly reserve - but somehow managed to get on a train to Lymington with thoughts rattling around in my head like dried peas - you know, hard to digest and full of wind ;))  I had a beautiful time down there, didn't do much walking, just a short way along the sea wall, watching for birds.  A huge number of Canada geese have taken up residence, I saw ducks and redshanks, an oyster catcher, all too far away for blipping.  Also a beautiful redstart close too, but that was one of those shots that gets away.  The best fun I had was watching the egrets fishing - using one foot to stir up the sand then pouncing on hapless little creatures.  I asked a fisherman what he reckoned the egrets were after.  He said it could be almost anything but his bet was baby sea bass.

They are such elegant wicked looking birds, aren't they, but if you think they can't look scruff, do look at the Extra - it was taken 3 minutes after this one (my camera tells me) and made me laugh a lot.

Got back home much later than I meant because - and this is why I don't usually chose to catch trains on weekends - there was work on the track going on so the timetables were up the swannee.  So what with one thing and another, I'm going to turn the computer off in a mo, get some supper, have a bath and tuck myself up in bed.  All commenting and thanks for your lovely comments, hearts and stars yesterday will be done in the morning.

Enjoy your Sunday  xx

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