Five things

By fivethings

11 post-its

1. Two weeks ago I was on my course. I loved it, really loved it and at the end we each wrote a post it note for every other person with feedback for them. There's not much room but it's a very good thing to do. We'd spent six intense days together so writing feedback was a joy.

2. What I hadn't banked on was just how powerful the contents of my own little pile of 11 post-its would be. They truly are one of the best gifts I've ever received.

3. In other news, I sit uncomfortably close to a man in an usual biggles hat on my train journey on the way to work. And exactly as uncomfortably close to the exact same man on the way home.

4. Auditions today, which are cool.

5. Tommy. You're going to be hearing a LOT more about Tommy in the coming months. I'm guessing there won't be a post-it note pad big enough for his feedback.

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