
By Beinghere

What do You see

A rock face on the coastal path between Pittenweem and St Monans.

I tend to see all sorts of weird things in rocks, but I won’t say what I see in this one.

The weather has been dreich again here, but I must admit I love how the rain brings out all the colours in the foliage. We walked on the coastal path this morning in heavy rain and the bracken looked great because it was very wet. Even the stones and seaweed on the shore were shiny and colourful.

Maggie has been here since lunchtime and we’ve had great fun. She’s still on holiday from nursery and her Mum said that she’d take her to Nana’s after lunch. So Maggie asked for and ate her lunch at 11 o’clock. That’s my girl.
We made Smoothies, then we made a big pot of lentil soup. She really enjoys helping to make stuff. We’ve sung songs and played games and wrestled with Geordie. We fed the birds, then watched them from the bedroom window.
We ate our soup for our tea, and both agreed that we’d done rather a good job of making it.
Maggie and Geordie have been sleeping for hours and the house is very quiet.

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