Our friend, Margaret, who was our bridesmaid 53 years ago was due to come and visit today, but rang just after 9 o’clock to say she would have to postpone her visit, so we rearranged it for next week.

That meant we had a free morning and as it had been lashing down with rain all night, it was much too wet for Mr. HCB to do much in the garden, so I suggested we went to Jack’s for a coffee, which he quickly agreed to, so off we went.

Last week, when we had been into Old Town, I had seen an ornament in “Expressions” a very nice card and gift shop quite near to Jack’s and had taken a photograph, but then I saw the pink chair, so that took precedence.  However, I thought, as we were nearby, it would be a good pink subject for today.

I was just going to take the shot through the window, as it was at the front of the display, but because of all the rain, the window was very wet so I didn’t get a good shot.  I then decided to go inside and said that although I didn’t actually want to buy the ornament, and after explaining abut Blip and BCAM I asked, rather cheekily, whether I could take a photograph from inside the shop.  Andrea, the assistant I spoke to, was happy for me to do this and even said that she would move the ornament somewhere for me to get a good shot - how fantastic is that - so huge thanks to Andrea.  However, as you may guess, Mr. HCB had wandered off and disowned me - but as I always say to him, "What you don't ask for, you don't get!"

I moved the ornament around the shop and eventually put it in a good place, knowing anyway, that I could remove the background with a new app called PhotoRoom, and then handed it back to Andrea for her to put back in the window display.  

I asked if she had a card because I would mention that the shop was called “Expressions” and she very kindly gave me one - I then noticed that they had a pink Breast Cancer Collecting box beside the till, and commented on this, so she said that one of the other assistants had had breast cancer, so that was why the box was there.  Sadly told her I didn’t have any money on me - however, I will go back and put a donation in the box sometime.

So, after a bit of fartnarkling and “pinking up” here is the ornament for Pinktober 20.  If you think it’s a bit too pink, then do go into the shop if you are passing and have a look at it, the dress colour was much more delicate and the figures were more bronze, but as I said in my title, “If you’re going pink, go pink!” and I did say I had fartnarkled and "pinked it up!"  However, I didn't ask how much it was, but I'm sure it was very reasonably priced.

Thank you to everyone who has been clicking daily on this LINK, so that those who cannot afford to pay may have a free mammogram.  

“Calling myself a survivor 
     was hard at first, 
          but here I am and 
               I’m planning not just to survive, 
                    but to thrive.”
Doris Castevens

P.S.  We enjoyed our coffee and met a couple of friends in Jack’s so a good morning!

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