
By Alberta

Meet Le Boulanger

I don't know his real name. We just know him as the baker. He is one of the most important people in the village. Everyone buys their bread on a daily basis. We used to have a dreadful Boulanger and most people travelled out to other villages to find good bread. It was transformational when this young baker and his family took over. And he is such a friendly guy. We called in for our usual croissant, pain au chocolat to have with our coffee in the bar and a baguette to have with lunch. I asked him if I could take his photo and I took a couple then he picked up some of his produce and posed for a photo et voila!

It's a tough life being Le Boulanger. His work starts at 4am and the lights in the boulangerie are often still on at 9pm. And they are open all day every day from early in the morning through to the evening. Sunday is the busiest day when there is also a huge selection of very posh cakes! We love Le Boulanger!

(The shelves were a bit empty here as we were late this morning!)

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