Snap, crackle, and pop

By marking_time

Tickled Pink

We walked into Pfullendorf this afternoon in gale force wind, not least because I wanted to see the old town but also because we are in desperate need of €1 coins (needed for water top -up, electricity feeds and, at our forthcoming stop, toilet disposal. Despite three otherwise supermarket forays we came away with all €2 coins!

The old timbered houses in town were very attractive and there was a good fountain and much ornamentation. Most of the photos are on my camera but I took a few blipworthy shots on my phone. Oddly, I have chosen this one - a stray doughnut parked outside the Tourist Information Office, where we also failed to find change.

It has been that sort of a day.

Dusty won't go out because of the wind but is still whinging because he is inside.

I think that we did the right thing in staying put today, it has been far too windy for driving.

Tomorrow will be better. Hopefully we can find some Euros!

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