Curiouser & curiouser...

By turningbull

The Lighthouse, Bute

We took the ferry to the Isle of Bute this morning and, after a short walk around Rothesay, we drove to Scalpsie Bay and had a ramble along the beach and up to the viewpoint, hoping to see some seals. Unfortunately the only seal we encountered on the beach was long-since deceased, and his or her insides had been devoured by scavengers.

Then we drove to Kilchattan Bay where porpoises and sea otters were sometimes sighted. After finding a dead porpoise on the beach there, and realising there were no mentions of live wildlife in the brochures, we decided we'd rather not see any otters. Anyway, we continued, coming across the spine and hind-quarters of what we suspected once was a fawn and this lovely lighthouse. Around this point my boyfriend discovered we had lost the map, and I seriously considered the prospect of losing my life on a blizzardy and blustery Bute to a psycho animal murderer.

Needless to say we did not, and we even saw a living hare!

We got back to the car just before sunset and went back to the hotel to enjoy a bath and a lovely meal.

The boyfriend has requested I point out his second 'convincing' scrabble win against me. He was so chuffed with himself he felt the need to graph the scores to analytically process the maths of scrabble. I went to bed.

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