Anna and Henry

By AnnaandHenry

Look what I made!

Here is Henry showing off the basket he made at nursery - he's got the chocolate crispy nest which was in it in his hand; I thought he'd eaten it but he just held it in his hand until it started melting then smeared it over me - lovely. He had a better day at nursery and wouldn't let me leave until he'd said goodbye to everyone else in the room, and high-five-ing and shaking hands with Gemma, his keyworker.

He slept through last night for only the 4th time on record - although he did wake up at 5.15, but we had a lovely cuddle for 45 min before he insisted on having some milk and breadsticks while watching peppa pig.

8 shifts down, 4 to go... The end is really in sight now!

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