Train from Kings Cross!

12°C  -  18 mph SSW Wind Speed  -  30 mph Gusts  -  Cloudy  -  Sunny Spells.  Filled up with petrol  -  it’s jumped from 139.99 to 143.99 since I last filled up.  Took a load of stuff to the Dump, and shopped at Lidls.  On the way home I spotted a terrific Rainbow which I shot on my ‘little’ Lumix camera  -  goodness knows what went wrong but when I got home and played it back all I got were the shots I’d taken a few days ago!!!  Couldn’t have pressed the button hard enough probably  -  silly me!!  Took a walk round the garden with my ‘big’ camera just as the train from Kings Cross was running up the side of the field at the bottom garden  -  not a good shot (the sun had disappeared by then), but at least I triggered the camera off sufficiently☺☺

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