Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Polesden Lacey

We had a good 2 hour walk around the grounds of Polesden Lacey today, a National Trust property near us,  and we were lucky to have sunshine and blue skies. This viewpoint is at the top of a steep slope as you finish the walk and come back into the gardens of the property, and there has been a bit of an uproar as the walk up this slope has now been fenced off to allow for grazing for the NT's tenant farmer and walkers and visitors to the property have to walk up a rocky narrow track instead. I know there have been letters of complaints sent to the NT about this, saying they are giving priority to the tenant farmer and therefore an additional income source rather than what suits their members. 

After our walk we enjoyed a good cappuccino in the outdoor area of the cafe - there are two cafes there but one is closed, due to lack of staff I think. So many restaurants and cafes are struggling with no staff in the current post Brexit and post Covid climate.

Covid cases are rising, many double vaccinated people are getting Covid and one of Luke's friends who had Covid when Luke had it in July, and is doubly vaccinated, has it again and is rather ill this time. All rather worrying and meanwhile the government are not succumbing to any pressure from the media and opposition party to reinstate social distancing measures. Watching the rugby match yesterday I was thinking how at that level of sport there is no pre-testing of the players and that Covid could spread so easily with the close contact between players.

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