Tiny Tuesday

These are some new leaves on my bottle brush bush. I notice other people’s are flowering and mine is only just waking up from winter. The leaves are so soft they are like velvet. Our garden is behind others as we are still getting cold nights, 0.1° C overnight. 

I have been meaning to put in a few bricks to make it easier to mow the lawn. There is a path on one side and a circular garden bed and it only needed 2-3 bricks. It took hours. Both the path and other edge had some concrete jutting out and I couldn’t get the right combination of bricks deep enough and flat and looking ok. In the end I have two full bricks, a half brick and a bit of a brick. I needed a sand base so that meant a trip to the hardware shop. I wouldn’t want to be renovating anything too big. Then I did the mowing including the neighbours front lawn, then dug up some old jonquils and a huge clump of winter iris. I won’t need to get on the exercise bike tonight.

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