A very brief promising start to the day early this morning.  It didn't last long of course.  It actually didn't rain much this morning, very grey though.  You will have to excuse the quality of the photo it was taken through the window and there were several rain blobs on it!!!!

Hubby and I decided we would pop into town, just to get out of the house and go for an early lunch in the Hazlemere.  Thyme Out as full as we went past and there were lots of people about, some holiday makers I guess but also quite a few locals.  Of course I had been forgetting it was half term and all with the same idea of making the most of the brief break in the rain.

We managed to get into The Hazlemere OK and it was busy, but not full at midday.  So we enjoyed a lovely lunch.  As we left about 1 O'Clock it was much busier and queues were forming outside, even though it had started raining again.

So we just popped into St Mary's Hospice shop to buy some local Charity Christmas cards then returned home.

Not much chance of a walk today, or for the next few days I think but at least we got out of these 4 walls for a couple of hours, which was great.

Taking Hubby for his weekly trip to the pub tonight and then picking him up later, luckily this doesn't mean having to go out of Grange as apparently there are plenty of flooded roads about.

I see the River Cocker is very full, I hope my friends in Cockermouth are OK??   In fact I hope none of you have been flooded or affected by the floods.  

Do take care and stay safe.  I will see you all tomorrow.

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