The collage waiting at the top of the hill

I thought I'd make the most of the sunshine and take a walk to the top of the hill and back (using the road as it had been such a wet morning).

I call these my `fishes' and I've photographed them before.  I even tried to photograph them on the day I slipped and severely damaged my ankle (which is doing well now).  Today I used my iPhone using it's multiple exposure App: Photosplit, which has resulted in some additional colour in a few of these images which are a mix of singles and multiples.

I did some work on my images of the Luskentyre Bay in all it's different lights this morning.  I think in essence I'm familiarising myself with what Ive captured and beginning to explore some ideas of what I'll do with them.  It's all about looking, thinking and looking some more as I have a lot to choose from.  So what exactly do I want a viewer to make of the experience I recorded?

p.s. the shapes are part of a derelict home made greenhouse or cold frame and happen where the felted top is peeling away.

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