
By Pepysman

A Guid Day Out

Some friends had a free day and we decided to go to the National Stadium at Hampden, take the tour and visit the football museum. I have to say that this was an excellent decision. The tour takes you to the dressing rooms, warm up room, referees room, ball persons' room and then out to the pitch.

As you come through the tunnel you hear the crowd roar and it is a tremendous feeling as you reach the side of the pitch but not onto it!! You then go up to where the cup is presented and a cardboard cut out is produced for you to hold up to the cheers of your friends. Despite what old firm fans think both dressing rooms are exactly the same. The guide has to be a great diplomat since all statements will be closely examined for bias.

The museum is excellent particularly the oral resources. Listen particularly to the Carfin Celtic Supporters and their tales of clapped out old buses. Listen particularly for the line, "you fair miss the fire now". This cryptic line will make sense once you have listened to the tape.

Indeed a guid day out.

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