today's another day

By dbrereton


A shot of the stairwell at work at the back of the building.

I'm spending a lot of time here and mentally 'here' at the moment, it's never ending presently.

Clearly being successful is great but since Covid work seems to be either on or off, and we've been stuck ON for 18 months now.

While blip shows my rich and varied days, hobbies and adventures, it's a busy life. I really need to plan in a break, a proper holiday.

While blip is still very much a habit, spending time catching up on everyone else's journal still seems like a luxury.

I read every comment and try at least to reply to them, but I should be commenting back. Every now and then I play catch up and enjoy looking at what you've all been up to.

Next year I will be more organised....let's get this year done!

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