
By Beinghere

St Monans

This afternoon Geordie and I had a really good walk to St Monans. It was beautiful sunshine, with very little wind. It was high tide, and a fairly big one. Of course it was cold but I was well wrapped up.

Geordie walked all the way there with his ball in his mouth, off the lead. We passed a fair number of people all enjoying the beautiful day. There were more sea birds than usual, maybe because it was a big tide. We saw four herons, 8 curlews, dozens of oyster catchers, lots of cormorants and shags, countless gulls enjoying being bounced on the water, some plovers and a couple of redshanks.

When we got to St Monans I was keen to go into the village to the “Diving Gannet” which has just been taken over and is now called the “Giddy Gannet”, but Geordie had no intentions of coming close enough to get his lead on. So we headed into the village anyway. He trotted along a few feet behind me as I headed down the East pier with a plan in mind. At one point he passed me and headed to the end of the pier and I could see the dilemma written all over his face when I caught up. He looked at the water then looked at me and knew he had nowhere to go. So he just walked up to me, dropped his ball and sat down to get his lead on. Success!

Then we walked round to the Gannet where I got a buttered cheese scone and a hot chocolate to take away. I ate them at one of the benches overlooking the harbour while I chatted to another dog-walker.
Our walk back was a joy too.

Extras are; A harbour view, a B&W shot of boats in the harbour, and “The Blocks” a zigzag breakwater outside the harbour.

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