Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair


On my way south today I stopped off at my aunt's in Liverpool - well I say aunt butshe is actually my father's cousin, so I think that makes her my first cousin once removed. She's always been my aunty though - with my mum being an only child we made good use of the fact that my grandmother, dad's mum, had 6 surviving siblings with a goodly number of children between them. One side of this family tree belongs to my father as well as my aunts side of the family so some interesting info there. My dad's side was further complicated by the fact that his father was Australian and born mid 19th century.
I came down with a selection of baby and wedding photos for aunty Eileen and in a very timeous manner, my cousin, who lives in Thailand, sent me a message today so I got him to send me some photos of his family too.
The drive south went well, no holdups although I do find it irritating that it takes well over an hour to travel the 40 or so miles from our house to Abington and the start of the motorway. The 230 miles to Liverpool thus takes around 4 and a half hours provided there are no holdups, which is nonsense.
I had a lazy dinner in the hotel, there always seem to be errors when ordering through a check in link online, but i had a grilled salmon steak which was delicious and then followed it up with icecream for a treat. It was hard to find a warm seat in the restaurant though with the entrance doors to the hotel open. Still, hopefully I'll sleep well tonight in my kingsized bed.
I think this is a blip day, but having driven all day I didn't take many pictures, until i found this I didn't think I'd had time to take any. I did enjoy the autumn colours but wasn't willing to stop to take a picture of them.
Never mind, 2500 is a respectable total in spite of that.
Keep safe everyone.

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