The daily Zuidhorn

By schutte

Speulderbos - Dancing Trees - It takes 2 to tango

Some time ago we - Ron, Ton and me - planned a photography day. Only photography and nothing else. At eight o’clock in the morning we drove to the Speulderbos near Putten. Halfway there was a pitstop for fuel and cappuccino & tea for Ron. We spent a few hours of exposing trying to find the best composition. Sometimes the light was beautiful. At one o’clock it was lunchtime. We had lunch at de Rozentuin (the Rosegarden) in Garderen. The food was served by people with a disability. During lunch we discussed the plans for the afternoon. Sunset was in Ambt-Delden - Twickel estate. Also something with trees and autumn colours. After dinner in Ommen we went home. All in all a beautiful day with lots of fun. Many thnx for joining gents. I am looking forward to our Hamburg trip in January 2022. Cheers!

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