Blessed Solanus Casey

This beautiful Icon of Blessed Solanus adorns the back of the altar at St. Augustine and St. Monica Catholic Church in Detroit.  I had a chance to tour the old church today after a friend and I delivered some books to the parish office.  The altar art is relatively new and was commissioned specifically for the parish.  I am quite pleased with the way this turned out.  The church was rather dark inside even with the lights on and I did not have a tripod.  The church was originally called Saint Catherine of Siena. The extra is a detail of the large St. Catherine window. The stained glass there is stunning.

Note: We attended the Solanus Casey beatification mass in 2017. Blipped that too. ;-)

I am currently on a mission to fill the two month hole in my journal.  It's been a crazy ride over the last couple of months and I've missed this place. I've got a lot of photos (and stories) to share! In the past I've been a bit of a stickler about posting in order but I think at this point I've got to stay current and back fill at the same time! Peace!!

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