
By Marionb

Big Sky Morning...

I felt as if this sunrise was just for me! I had been lamenting the lack thereof since I got to my daughter's and here, on my last showed up! I almost missed it too, as I had slept in a wee bit..but seeing a tinge of pink out of the bedroom window, was enough to get me up, boots on and up the field, camera in hand. 

This was Going Home day. I had hoped to get a chance to see my friend who is ill before I left, but that did not work out again. Tests she had done yesterday at the hospital led to more today. I am anxious to talk with her soon...

The weather co-operated and my drive home was uneventful...I was pretty tired when I got home - I am not used to the pace of life that the younger generation keep! I unpacked the car, had a shower and had a wee nap! 

And here I am now, reasonably awake, with Maggie the cat snoozing beside me as I write.. Methinks she has forgiven me for abandoning her once again whilst I go galavanting around. 

I had a great visit, but it is also good to be home...

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