Delivery by basket

Sorry about the geometric distortion, I couldn't correct it. Recently, we purchased a children's block and tackle pulley set from the nova naturals catalog. We came across it when we bought some Christmas presents for the great nieces and nephews. As you can see it's fun for us to use when T is working in her half of the loft. It's more fun than walking down the stairs for one small forgotten item.  My painting easel is on the opposite side of the loft. Merry has missed the basket action both times we've used it. She's tucked in afghans in her cat case(under the round basket you can see) that's also covered in a wool afghan(she hates the cold) close beside where the basket comes down. She will be absolutely fascinated when she sees it in action. We've joked about something like this for the last 19 months, then we saw the item in the catalog and ordered it for a giggle. I also ordered a suede Robin Hood/Peter Pan hat for myself from the catalog as I refuse to grow up. You can laugh at that in the extra.

The children will love the pulley system when they see it too. They are fascinated with the loft and being so high above everyone and everything. To get to the loft stairs we go through the door behind the basket. That leads to a small area with a door to the connected barn straight ahead and the loft stairs close to the door behind the basket.  Children visiting for the  first time are always puzzled about the location of the stairs.You can see them looking everywhere and then finally asking. We have a little Victoria sofa up there, a rocker and a small round wrought iron table with two chairs used as game table for us. I have a great space for my easel and painting supplies as well. Merry has a cat tower that gives her access to the sill of the half moon window(you can
see a corner of it) and then a perch that gives her a step up into the loft. She loves all of it and walks of course on the narrow strip outside of the railings and we can't look!  We had the addition including the loft added 20 years ago next spring. 

For the Record,
This day was warmer with a mix of clouds and sun. Rain on the way for tomorrow, but clear nice weather for Thanksgiving on Thursday.

All hands wary

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