The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

I'm only goin' over Jordan?

I've picked up some exotic travel brochures from town. My cousin is coming to stay, and she wants to get away soon. She's been through a terribly tough time. Perhaps I can vicariously have a holiday by helping her to book! For some reason, Jordan keeps coming up for me. Cousin will probably choose the Far East. I would love to book myself one of those holidays, but school might get in the way, and I think it might just be unwise to blow my life savings all at once.

Just looked back at an entry from this time last year. We were in lockdown. However, the rest of it sounds familiar

"One of my colleagues is still absent, so we are short staffed. I whacked my head on the climbing frame shortly before leaving work. I'd been given the run around by a child who did not want to wear footwear."

Today, two of my colleagues were absent, one long-term. No climbing frame accident today, but we had the same discussions about footwear. Frost at first light made for a chilly start. CoVid has entered our portals, so we suspect everyone who has a cold. One of our children clearly wasn't well at all, but the parents were reluctant to collect the child, so we spent the afternoon taking turns to take care of said child. We are not a convalescent home! Grrr.

We have vaccines now, and no lockdown, but by the end of the day we were ready to jack it in for the week. Another colleague has to home-educate one of her children this week, so she won't be able to do any overtime, and neither will I.

If providing childcare during difficult times is part of the frontline effort, I'd quite like a reclining seat at the back of the hall. Wake me up in a few years' time?

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