Daily Wild

By emyjane

The man

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Yes, the man, & he happens to be a robin & he's called Larry. He knows he's called Larry as he comes to his name. He knows his name. He reacts when I chant his name. He sings louder when I call him, even though he's in front of me. In fact, he becomes to animated when he's by my side. He's filled with so much joy, so much excitement (as I am). Sometimes he literally can't wait to see me. He hears the door into the garage door shut, listens out for my step on the stones & even before I've even opened my mouth to call him as I walk along the pathway to the front garden, he's flying low in my direction, almost colliding with my leg in his attempt to get to me, before I get to him. I do believe it's love.

And it's love here too:

Easter Larry

I'm beginning to despair. I've never known a spring like this. For the last 5 years, Spring has been on time, or even early. But this year it's literally non existent. Oh yes, the daffodils are flowering, the snowdrops & crocus have flowered & finished - the odd other flower is out. But it's too cold for insects. Too cold for amphibians. Too cold for bird summer migrants. It's a sad state of affairs, finger's crossed April will be a BOUNTY of warm weather & vibrant life! We ALL deserve at least that!

Happy Easter all - I can never wish anyone a Happy Easter unless *on the day* :) xxx

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