a lifetime burning

By Sheol

Frosty Start

I had an earlier start this morning for my appointment at Southmead Hospital re the drug trial. I was surprised when I drew back the blind in the kitchen to find it foggy and frosty.  I hadn't checked the forecast but I'd assumed we would have a bright clear cold start.  Still, the frost gave me something to blip for today's Tiny Tuesday shot.

A few years ago I bought a top of the range motorcycle suit that comes with a separate down filled under-suit for cold weather.  That was just as well today, because the temperature when I set off this morning was only half a degree above freezing.  Fortunately with the rather excellent suit and heated grips I was toasty warm for the 40 minutes of the journey.  I don't think that I would want to ride in colder conditions though, and I sense that after another 40 minutes I probably would have needed to stop to find a Starbucks or similar to sit in!

If you have taken part in the Tiny Tuesday challenge, I hope you've had fun trying to find something small to photograph today.  I will be catching up on your Tiny Tuesday blips during the course of tomorrow and Thursday.  I will update this page with the results once I have done so.

If you took part in the challenge this week, many thanks for your efforts - they have certainly kept me busy.  We had 66 entries for the challenge this week (you can see them all here), and you definitely don't make it easy for me as the person saddled with choosing 5 favourite images.  There are some stunningly good shots this week and it has taken me a considerable amount of time today to both whittle them down to the 10 that I like the most and to then select my favourite 5 of those. 


These are in no particular order:

AnnieBelle: Spider and fly - this may be a bit gruesome for some of you, particularly if you don't like spiders, but if you can stomach it, the details here are just fabulous.  A wonderful image of the spider predating the fly. 

Stevvi: Bubble - again, this may be a bit gruesome for some of you, but again a wonderful fly image. Exquisite details and beautiful processing.  

Marlieske: Plooivlieswaaiertje - much, much easier on the eye than either of the last two images, this is a beautifully presented shot of fungi with the attractive name "a fairy tale over yonder" 

Biker Bear: Pear ........  a detailed look at the capillary structure of a pear leaf.  If you've not visited Anni's journal before, you will see that she also features a joke a day (you have been warned!).

LesTension: Common Teasel - a nicely captured shot of the teasel with just the right amount of depth of field for maximum subject sharpness and a lovely soft background.

Honourable Mentions

Once again I've limited myself to just 5 honourable mentions:

RustyCrap: Life is a grind - a dynamic shot of a saw chain being sharpened complete with sparks flying - excellent stuff.

Tommie2: Bumble bee - another action shot, this time of a bumble bee caught in flight above a poppy.

Freespiral: I(a(A Leaf Falls with Loneliness) - this image of a floating leaf with its shadow is almost other worldly.  

V1k1: Lift off - another bee in flight above a poppy - although this time it is a honey bee

DawGal: #56 - the humour of this one just made me laugh out loud.  Anything that brings a smile to the face in troubled times is fine by me!

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