
TT was off to work at the crack of dawn.  I was up in time to get out for walk and get back in time to make sure BB got himself out to school.  It was a cold morning, there was frost and cars were frozen.  The sky promised a lot this morning but didn’t really deliver, certainly compared to recent sunrises.  Once BB was off to school, I logged on and didn’t log off for another twelve hours.  What a long day – the second half being really difficult.  We have an impossible task.  No one knows what to do for the best.  Even our two senior bosses had their heads in their hands this afternoon as we tried to find a positive way forward.  There’s an important meeting tomorrow – that may bring us some hope.  Otherwise we’re doomed.
BB was disappointed that his new football boots hadn’t arrived today.  However, not long before he was heading out to football training the doorbell rang, and his boots were delivered.  Just in time for training.  Thankfully TT was home in time to take him.  Although I had cobbled a quick tea together for BB, I hadn’t had time to do anything for us.  TT made himself a sandwich and I had another bowl of soup.  Thank goodness for my early morning soup making yesterday.  I also fitted in a supermarket shop before I collected BB from football, then headed out to get the rest of my steps in the dark.  It was cold, but very still and quiet – so nice to get out, even if it was just a walk around the block.  I spotted more Christmas lights and decorations. 
This is a view from my lunchtime walk with a glimmer of light from under the blanket of cloud.

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