Sgwarnog: In the Field

By sgwarnog


I guess 4000 geotagged Blipfoto entries constitutes an atlas of sorts; the territories I inhabit and the journeys that I have made over the past eleven years or so.

Many thanks as always to the small team of people that keep this site going behind the scenes, to the blipping community at large and particularly to my regular visitors.

Atlas House, on King Street in Leeds, was built in 1910 for the Atlas Insurance Company. 

Later, I popped over to the Shay Stadium to watch FC Halifax Town take on Wrexham in a National League fixture (extra). My territorial loyalties should really have seen me heading for the away end, but the need for the comforts of hot drinks and a quick getaway meant I stuck to the main stand. As can be seen, the 1200+ visiting Wrexham fans were somewhat wedged in to the half a stand they were allocated. It was a well balanced game with the Shaymen seeming to have the edge after taking the lead three quarters of the way through, but two goals in the last ten minutes from the Red Dragons of Wrexham turned things around.

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